Being a student of Leonine, I can
proudly say that I’ve learned so
many things , and I’m sure
I’ll learn until I’m part
of Leonine. I must say Dharmesh Sir is
the best sir ,I’ve ever seen and
i love the way he’s teaching(
about studies, life).
So in short, I am very proud to be
student of Leonine.
And I’m very happy to be part of
golden, unforgettable memories. And
I’m feeling blessed to be
part of this community
So thank you so much for your help and
Leonine, [previously known as Pashin Education] , providing Conceptual Knowledge through Diploma Degree Engineering Tuition and Coaching to MCA, BCA Students . We also provide Practical Training for Programming Languages like C,C++,C#, JAVA SE/EE ,Python and CCNA . With it’s diversified experience , of more than a decade and have known and proven track record 90 – 100% pass rates , ignites Young brains for the next generation of Information Technoilogy
Leonine with an vision of providing quality education and personality development for Young Brains who are in Information Technology / Computer Science.
> Students
% Passrate
Years Legacy