C++ Programming ( CPP Programming ) :-
As C is Mother of all Programming Language , I can say C++ Programming ( CPP Programming ) is Mother of all Object Oriented Programming.
C++ Language is considered as Middle Level programming language.
At Leonine we prepare brains for C++ Language Programming totally Conceptually and Practically . We provide coaching / tuition / training for Diploma , Degree , BCA , MCA Students for C++ Language Programming as well as for students residing outside Vadodara , ONLINE C++ Language Programming training also been provided through Skype.
Tentative Course Coverage
C++ Basics : Overview, Program structure, namespace, identifiers, variables, constants, enum, operators, typecasting, control structures
C++ Functions : Simple functions, Call and Return by reference, Inline functions, Macro Vs. Inline functions, Overloading of functions, default arguments, friend functions, virtual functions
Concepts of OOP : Introduction OOP, Procedural Vs. Object Oriented Programming, Principles of OOP, Benefits and applications of OOP
Objects and Classes : Basics of object and class in C++, Private and public members, static data and function members, constructors and their types, destructors, operator overloading, type conversion
Inheritance : Concept of Inheritance, types of inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, hybrid, protected members, overriding, virtual base class
Polymorphism : Pointers in C++, Pointes and Objects, this pointer, virtual and pure virtual functions, Implementing polymorphism
I/O and File Management : Concept of streams, cin and cout objects, C++ stream classes, Unformatted and formatted I/O, manipulators, File stream, C++ File stream classes, File management functions, File modes, Binary and random Files
Templates, Exceptions and STL : What is template? function templates and class templates, Introduction to exception, try-catch-throw, multiple catch, catch all, rethrowing exception, implementing user defined exceptions, Overview and use of Standard Template Library
Golden Glittering Words ...